How to manage snippets of text on a Mac

4 min read


Got text snippets on Mac OS? Most users do. It is necessary, especially when there is a large amount of information. Software engineers and computer science students often create code snippets and working notes. Sometimes it is necessary to compile todos or several personal notes. Ready-made snippets and template parts of the text allow you to automate and speed up daily work. Apple's Notes app supports only the basic part of the necessary functions. But it's not a problem. With Snipper App youโ€™ll the snippet managing is as easy as pie.

What is It?

Snipper App is an app with a huge amount of features. Firstly, you can use multiple workflows to boost your performance. This app is a single place where you can put all your work together. You can also use a set of shortcuts to save time. Itโ€™s a full-fledged editor that supports 120+ programming languages. Not bad, huh? Hereโ€™s a set of main app features:

  • Lightweight Mac interface with a lot of functions.
  • Full GitHub Flavored Markdown support for notes, todos, snippets, etc.
  • Syntax highlighting for all available languages.
  • Switch between local Mac storage, iCloud & GitHub Gist.

If you are involved in software development or need a single app for creating snippets, then you have come to the address. Here you can create notes, code parts, and other template files. The cool thing is that the app can show invisible characters and line numbers. This greatly simplifies the work. Use tab size and font customization for daily work on your Mac.

For many people, programming and working with individual text parts is a daily responsibility. So why don't you automate this process? Multifunctional Mac app is able to satisfy most of your needs and automate the entire workflow. You can store template comments here for future email newsletters or other needs. Now you can significantly save time and communicate with colleagues and clients with the help of ready-made Mac text samples.

Fast Snippet Manager for Mac OS users

All you need is to sync with your iCloud or GitHub Gist storage to get access to all your snippets. A couple of minutes and Bobโ€™s your uncle! Use the folders in the directory or the search bar to select the saved text part. The app supports indented & fenced code blocks when writing markdown. You can use the preview mode to simplify the work with your code.

You can also count on dark and light topics. This is convenient because you can switch them for more comfortable work. The Mac manager quickly switches between snippets and allows you to share code snippets with friends and colleagues. There is something interesting we want to save and reuse later. So why not create working notes comfortably on Mac? This code snippet tool for Mac adapts to your screen size and does not require excessive performance of your Mac hardware.

Ways You Can Use Snippet Manager

The user-friendly work environment is always important for many engineers and computer science students. Snippet creating should be convenient and efficient. How many times have you used the free snippet tool for Mac saying โ€œItโ€™s just not my cup of teaโ€? Try Snipper App and you can feel the difference. Create html snippets or use another 120+ languages. All these code parts are easy to use for your future projects on Mac.

Using the quick search function, you can always find the desired fragment and change it for future use. Here you can also store all your personal free notes and todos. A single repository for your notes avoids information loss. If you want to keep all your developments secret, then use local storage. Apple technology is famous for its burglar resistance, so no one will get access to your data.

Snippets Mac App for Multiple Projects

Thanks to the support of many coding languages, you have unlimited possibilities for creating text fragments. Syntax highlighting and Markdown support will help you avoid code errors and create working fragments of the program. All your snippets will have icons with a specific language. Special tool indicators will help determine which storage you have chosen for each fragment. Here you can create some html samples for your future website or app.

Gather all your work fragments in one place for easy editing. Many projects allow you to use a basic template. Replace individual app parts and share them with colleagues. The main convenience is synchronization with iCloud. Now you can use any Mac to access the data archive. This is true for those people who are constantly traveling and are not ready to carry a laptop with them. Use this app on any Mac device.

Even if you take coding as a hobby: the Snipper App has a lot to offer. A unified Mac interface will appeal to most users. All basic Mac actions are intuitive. You can also use shortcuts. It allows you to automate work processes with and get rid of unnecessary routine actions. Just a few clicks and you can save the finished site as your code for the next project.

Andrii Teologov Software Engineer and Indie Maker